
Showing posts from October, 2021

Preferences and Perspectives - The Romantic Era

 Introduction With new art styles emerging because there are reactions against the previous art style, in this case - Romanticism was a reaction against Neoclassicism, there were many styles that emerged off the Romanticism style, like the realist and impressionist styles. If we look at the quote of Charles Baudelaire "Romanticism is precisely situated neither in choice of subject nor in exact truth, but in a way of feeling" We can understand that it is hard to clearly define what Romanticism is - in a way it had a bit of most styles, however it would be easier to define what it preferred. In a choice, Spiritualism beat Science, Nature beat industry and Instinct beat Deliberation.  The two Romanticism styles that I chose to work on are Naturalism and Realism, I chose them, because of the ability to evoke real emotions in a person and some of the works seemed very powerful to me and even though the works might seem similar, because both of the styles try to depict things as th...


 Introduction  With the American Revolution and later the French revolution, wheels started to turn and more people now had access to education and new ideas, which stated that people should not be followed only because they are in power (As it was with Monarchs and Church leaders), but because they would contribute to the commonwealth. Some people during the Classicism era, which lasted during the 18th century and was synonymous with the Enlightenment era, started to believe that religion was just superstition. This made scientific discoveries more interesting for the common man and a good quote that describes this period would be the one by Rene Descartes "I think, therefore I am". Lets take a look at some works relative to science and art in the 18th century. Astronomy work  A Philosopher Lecturing on the Orrery - Joseph Wright   A good work of art that depicts the focus of the Classical art era and the 18th century is  A Philosopher Lecturing on the Orrery ...

Baroque sculpture Post

The Rape of Proserpina The Rape of Proserpina details An early introduction to the work The work I chose to look at for this weeks blog post is The Rape of Proserpina , by Gian Lorenzo Bernini. I chose this work because of the amazing detail that the artist depicted in this piece and for the fame and legendary status of it. I had also heard about this work from a friend who went to Rome and visited the Galleria Borghese, which is the art gallery where this sculpture is housed, so now that I had to write a post about Baroque art, I knew this would be the piece I would do it on. The work of art definitely inspired awe in me and it is a bucket-list thing for me to see the piece in-person at the Galleria, but it would be even better to own it.  Gian Lorenzo Bernini Gian Lorenzo Bernini (1598-1680) was an Italian sculptor and architect, that was believed to be the leading sculptor of his age and the person that created the sculpting style of Baroque. In the Sculpting Journal by Katherin...