Preferences and Perspectives - The Romantic Era
Introduction With new art styles emerging because there are reactions against the previous art style, in this case - Romanticism was a reaction against Neoclassicism, there were many styles that emerged off the Romanticism style, like the realist and impressionist styles. If we look at the quote of Charles Baudelaire "Romanticism is precisely situated neither in choice of subject nor in exact truth, but in a way of feeling" We can understand that it is hard to clearly define what Romanticism is - in a way it had a bit of most styles, however it would be easier to define what it preferred. In a choice, Spiritualism beat Science, Nature beat industry and Instinct beat Deliberation. The two Romanticism styles that I chose to work on are Naturalism and Realism, I chose them, because of the ability to evoke real emotions in a person and some of the works seemed very powerful to me and even though the works might seem similar, because both of the styles try to depict things as th...